I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil and, as far as I can remember, I always knew that I would pursue something related to the arts. I studied piano at Juilliard and art and design at Pratt Institute and the Art Students League. I was most inspired by teachers such as Lucian Krukowski, Douglas Duncalf, Earl Mayan and Thomas Fogarty. I’ve worked as a graphic designer and in the fine arts doing commissions in watercolor, oils and pen and ink and I always enjoy trying new things. It is that time spent between the idea in my head and the finished work that is like an adventure when anything can happen in the creative process. My work in the liturgical arts has given me the opportunity to express my Christian faith and I feel blessed to have been led down this path. To quote Andre Gide, “Art is a collaboration with God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better”. I live in Pleasantville, NY with my graphic designer husband and our Beagle, Charlie. We have two grown sons who are also artist/designers.