St. Benedict
Paintings, Drawings, and Liturgical Art by Lynne Beard
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St. Benedict

St. Benedict

St. Benedict – Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Casino, is known as the Father of Western monasticism. His rule for monasteries  was moderate and encouraged a generous spirit of hospitality in that visitors to Benedictine  communities are to be welcomed as Christ himself. In iconography, Benedict is often seen with a raven, which is one of the symbols associated with him. From the Dialogues of Gregory the Great comes this legend: At dinner time, a raven came daily to receive some bread from Benedict. One day, Benedict received a poisoned loaf of bread from an envious priest.  Benedict gave it to the raven saying “In the name of Jesus Christ, take up this loaf and throw it where no man may find it.” After three hours, the raven returned and received his usual allowance from the man of God.