Mustard Tree
Paintings, Drawings, and Liturgical Art by Lynne Beard
Fine Art, Liturgical Art, Icons, Watercolor, Illustration, Drawing, Icon Prints, Shop
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Mustard Tree Tag

Sheltered Bird in Mustard Tree

Sheltered Bird in Mustard Tree

Sheltered Bird in Mustard Tree – This design reflects the symbolism of the parable of the mustard seed as told by Jesus in Matthew 13:31-32. Though it is the smallest of seeds, it grows into a tree where birds might take shelter. The sower of the seed is Christ, who came to atone for our sins so that we may become fruitful.  The mustard seed represents the Gospel, which grows to reach people throughout the world. The tree, rooted in Jesus Christ, is where the birds of the air, who represent the faithful, come to rest as they hear and

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